2017年,洽值世界佛教曹洞宗开山祖师本寂禅师涅槃1117周年,“首届中国曹洞宗禅学国际研讨会暨本寂祖师涅槃日纪念法会”于2017年7月9日至12日,在禅宗曹洞宗祖庭曹山宝积寺举行。值此盛会,外国政要也纷纷发来贺信表示祝贺。 首届中国曹洞宗禅学国际研讨会国外政要贺信(按英文字母排序,排名不分先后) 一、日本前经济产业大臣 日本自民党干事长 二阶俊博
贺 信
二、斯里兰卡总统最高顾问 斯里兰卡佛教与司法部部长 威杰达萨 拉贾帕克萨 博士MessageI am pleased to send this message of felicitations on the occasion of the ‘First Chinese International symposium on Zen Buddhism of Cao Dong Sect opening ceremony & most venerable master Ben Ji’s so believed 1117th death anniversary’ to be commemorated between July 09-12, 2017 in China. Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty as Chan Buddhism. Zen school was strongly influenced by Taoism and developed as a distinguished school of Chinese Buddhism. From China, Chan Buddhism Spread South to Vietnam, north east to Korea and east to Japan. Tang Dynasty Chinese Buddhism Zen Dasheng, “Southern Zen Zen” founder – six ancestors Huineng under the master, Nanyue, Qingyuan two branches, then a flower five leaves, into “five Seven faction”; Cao Dongzong which is one of the five. This was the early Tang Xian Tong Zen Master in Jiangxi province, Dongshan laid the foundation to be on a par with the law of the original silence of the Master in Jiangxi Cao Shan. “Cao Dongzong” which is also known as “hole Caozong” since the Northern and southern Dynasties so far, puxian Zen monks of the ancient monks, the dragon is also there , but for the Chinese Buddhist sects of the founder, there is only a lonely monk to represent it. Most venerable Master Ben Ji is held in high esteem for the exploration of Buddhism. Master Bengi, who had been instrumental not only in providing spiritual service to the people of China, but also in spreading the message of the Buddha to those who seek knowledge of Buddhism, which is increasingly sought in the world today. It is my wish that he has the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem, to continue his meritorious Service. The Buddha Said:“Pamojjabahulo Bhikku – Pasanno Buddhasasane Adhigacche Padam Santam – Sankharupasamam Sukham" (Bhikku Vaggo – Dhammapadaya)The Bhikkhu who is full of happiness and is pleased with Dhamma will realize that blissful State of happiness that is born of the cessation of conditioned things. The Buddhists the world over are in eternal gratitude to the Buddhist monks, who preserved, propagated and sustained the teachings of the Buddha for more than 25 centuries.I offer my best wishes to the First Chinese International Symposium on Zen Buddhism of Cao Dong Sect opening ceremony for its success in the noble task of propagation of Buddhism Furthermore, I also pay my respect and to the most Venerable Master Ben Ji, who spent his life to render the most valued and selfless service to the Zen Buddhists to attain the ultimate bliss of Nibbana. I really appreciate and also pay my due honour and thanks to Jiangxi Religious Culture Exchange Association & Jiangxi Buddhist Association for organizing this symposium. May peace dawn on the whole world and all beings receive the blessings of the Triple-Gem:Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe President’s Counsel Minister of Buddha Sasana and Justice 中文译文如下:本人很荣幸以此贺信预祝于2017年7月9日至12日召开的“中国首届曹洞宗禅学国际研讨会开幕式暨本寂禅师涅槃日1117周年纪念法会”圆满成功。禅学是大乘佛教的一派,发源于唐朝。禅学深受道教影响并逐渐发展成为中国佛教独特的一支。禅学从中国发展壮大,南至越南,东至日本,东北至韩国。唐朝时期,中国佛教禅学盛行,六祖慧能为南禅创始者。南禅后发展为南岳和青原两系,其下又分为五个支派,至此开创中国禅学史上的“五家七宗”。其中七宗之一曹洞宗是于唐朝咸通年间,本寂禅师在江西曹山所创。尊敬的本寂禅师对佛教的探索非常重视。本寂禅师不仅极大地提升了中国人民的精神境界,同时也对全球日益增加的寻求佛法的人们尽到了传播佛陀教旨的责任。我衷心希望本寂禅师的事业与精神能够在佛、法、僧的庇佑下发扬光大。佛家有言:“比丘具欢喜心,诚信佛陀教法。到达寂静安乐,诸行解脱境界。"(比丘品-法句经)每一位因与法结缘而充满欢喜心的比丘都会感受到极乐来源于物欲的超脱。2500年以来所有将佛陀的教诲继承并发扬光大的各位佛教僧侣都会被世人永久感激着。我们衷心祝愿佛教禅宗曹洞宗首届中国国际研讨会开幕式能成功地进一步传播佛教教义。我还要对功德无量的本寂禅师表达我崇高的敬意,因为他将他的一生都无私地奉献给了禅宗,而达到涅槃极乐。同时,也非常感谢组织这次研讨会的江西省宗教文化交流协会和江西省佛教协会。愿和平降临世间,愿所有生灵都能得到三宝的福泽。
威杰达萨 拉贾帕克萨 博士
斯里兰卡总统最高顾问 斯里兰卡佛教与司法部部长
三、韩国国务总理秘书室长 裴在祯 中文译文如下:
国务总理秘书室长 裴在祯 世宗特别自治市 多絮路261(御真洞,国务总理室)国务总理秘书
四、日本曹洞宗宗务总长 釜田隆文 值此曹山本寂禅师圆寂1117周年之际,对曹洞宗祖师本寂禅师涅槃日纪念大法会暨在中国的曹洞佛学院举行的首届中国曹洞宗禅学国际研讨会表示衷心的祝贺。江西抚州的曹山宝积寺由洞山良价禅师嗣法弟子曹山本寂禅师所创立,作为中国曹洞宗的祖庭道场,继承并弘扬佛法使之脉脉相传。而宣扬曹洞教义的曹洞佛学院的成立,我想将更加能够促进曹洞宗宗旨的参禅研究。在这个吉日里能够参加曹山本寂禅师圆寂1117周年纪念法会也可以说是一次无上的报恩之行。能恰逢这等庆事,完全得益于祖师们的勤奋修行和不断努力,对此我表示崇高的敬意。日本曹洞宗,从释迦牟尼佛到菩提达摩禅师,曹溪慧能禅师,天童如净禅师,再到高祖承阳大师,太祖常济大师,是一佛两祖,宣扬佛法。因此关于同源的曹洞宗宗旨,相信通过这次的学术交流,定能加深理解,促进相互的友好合作。这次没能参加盛会我感到非常遗憾,衷心祝愿在这个值得纪念的日子里,我们能相互寻求更大的发展。
日本 曹洞宗 宗务总长 釜田隆文
五、日本前外务大臣 日中友好议员联盟 会长 众议院议员 高村正彦 中文译文如下:今天,首届中国曹洞宗禅学国际研讨会盛大开幕,同时也是曹洞宗祖师本寂禅师圆寂1117周年纪念日,对此我表示热烈的祝贺。中日两国的交流历史源远流长,自曹洞宗传到日本,禅的精萃给日本文化带来了巨大的影响。这已是中日两国大部分民众的共识。从中日两国和平发展的立场出发,对在座的各位嘉宾表示由衷的敬意。这次的研讨会也可说是纪念中日邦交正常化四十五周年的一个盛会,我相信,这会加深中日两国乃至亚洲和世界人民的交流。希望通过这次大会,能加深相互理解,促进友好合作与发展。
日中友好议员联盟 会长 众议院议员 高村正彦